Yes. The standard SRA salary is 10% below the Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA) salary. Therefore, your salary will be increased to $58,500; this is 10% below the new postdoc minimum. Upon providing verification that you have completed all the requirements for the Ph.D., you would then be promoted to the Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA) rank, at which time you would be eligible for the $65,000 minimum salary.
Yes. The new minimum effective March 1, 2023, includes the following ranks: Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA), Postdoctoral Research Fellow (PDRF), and Postgraduate Research Associate (PGRA).
Yes. The salaries of all postdocs will be increased to the $65,000 minimum effective March 1 2023. In addition, researchers in the rank of Postdoctoral Research Associate who are reappointed are eligible to receive an increase at the time of reappointment, in accordance with University policies.
The salaries of researchers in the postdoc ranks (Postdoctoral Research Associate, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, and Postgraduate Research Associate) will be increased to a new $65,000 minimum effective March 1, 2023. Postdocs are eligible to receive salary increases as determined by their PI upon reappointment, in accordance with University policies.
No. Princeton sets a campus-wide minimum salary for postdocs; as announced on January 27, 2023, this minimum will be increased to $65,000. Separately, PIs may adjust the salaries of their postdocs in accordance with University policies.
Yes. Any postdoctoral appointment that has been approved by the Office of the Dean of the Faculty and is in the payroll systems as of January 27, 2023, will be included. This difference will be covered for up to three years as long as the person is in a postdoctoral rank (such as PDRA, PDRF, SRA) at Princeton. (Note that Associate Research Scholar is not a postdoctoral rank.)
No. The new minimum salary of $65,000 will need to be covered by the PI or the department. If you have any questions or concerns, please discuss possible options with your department chair.
A communication will be sent to the chairs, directors, and academic managers about how central University funding will be transferred or distributed.
Please discuss possible options with your department chair.